Skin Allergy

Skin Allergy Overview

Skin irritations are caused by a variety of factors. These include heat, immune system disorders, medications and infections. When an allergen is responsible for triggering an immune system response, the irritation is an allergic skin condition.
Dermatitis (Eczema)
Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes in direct contact with an allergen. For instance, if you have a nickel allergy and your skin comes in contact with jewelry made with even a very small amount of nickel, you may develop red, bumpy, scaly, itchy or swollen skin at the point of contact. 
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a chronic skin condition related to immune disfunction in the layers of the skin. It usually begins in infancy or early childhood. It is often associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or food allergy. This progressive sequence is called the atopic march.
Coming in contact with poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac can also cause allergic dermatitis. The red, itchy rash is caused by an oily coating covering these plants. The allergic reaction can come from touching these plants, or by touching clothing, pets or even gardening tools that have come in contact with the oil.
Additionally, some individuals with eczema have a food sensitivity which can worsen eczema symptoms.
Urticaria (Hives)
Hives are an inflammation of the skin triggered when the immune system releases histamine, causing small blood vessels to leak leading to swelling in the skin. Swelling in deep layers of the skin is called angioedema.
There are two kinds of hives – acute and chronic. Acute cases happen after eating a particular food or coming in contact with a particular substance trigger. Chronic hives can last for months or years.
Hives can result from non-allergic causes such as heat or exercise. Hives can also be an allergic reaction to medications, foods or insect bites.
Although often uncomfortable and sometimes painful, hives and eczema are not contagious.
Angioedema is swelling in the deep layers of the skin, often seen with urticaria (hives). Angioedema most often occurs in soft tissues such as the eyelids, mouth or genitals.
Angioedema is called "acute" if the condition lasts only a short time (minutes to days). This is commonly caused by an allergic reaction to medications or foods.
Chronic recurrent angioedema is when the condition returns over a long period of time. It most often does not have an identifiable cause.
Hereditary angiodema (HAE) is a rare, but serious genetic condition involving swelling in various body parts including the hands, feet, face, intestinal wall and airways.

Skin conditions are one of the most common forms of allergy treated and managed by an allergist / immunologist, a physician with specialized training and expertise to accurately diagnose your condition and provide relief for your symptoms.

Skin Allergy Symptoms & Diagnosis

Redness, swelling and itching are common to most skin allergies. Yet there are some differences that help in the diagnosis of specific conditions.
Dermatitis (Eczema) Symptoms
Itchy bumps, blisters or very dry skin that:
•    Appear as red to brownish-gray colored patches
•    May “weep” or leak fluid that crusts over when scratched
In infants, eczema often appears on the cheeks, forehead or scalp. Children are prone to have the rash at the bend of the elbow joint, wrists, behind the knees and behind the ears. Adolescents and young adults typically have the rash in the same locations as children, as well as on the hands and feet.
People with atopic dermatitis can also have an extra crease, called a Dennie’s line, across the lower eyelids.
Identifying the cause of the skin irritation is essential to relieving the symptoms. An allergist / immunologist will take a complete health history and may perform tests to diagnose allergies that could be causing symptoms.
Urticaria (Hives) Symptoms
Swelling or raised red or white bumps or welts that:
•    Can cover large areas and migrate from one spot to another
•    Itch
•    Range in size
•    Appear anywhere on the body
Angioedema often appears on the face around the eyes, cheeks or lips. This deeper layer of swelling can also occur on hands or feet, genitals, or inside the bowels or throat.
In acute hives, the welts disappear within minutes to a few weeks. Chronic hives last for months or even years.
In the majority of chronic cases, the exact cause cannot be determined. Routine testing such as general blood counts or screens are not cost-effective, nor do these tests make a difference in treatment strategies to relieve the symptoms. There are certain instances when allergy testing is helpful, especially when eating a particular food or coming in contact with a particular substance triggers symptoms of acute hives.

Skin Allergy Treatment & Management

Dermatitis (Eczema)
Avoid scratching or rubbing the rash. Scratching can cause bleeding, skin infections, or cause permanent damage to the skin, making thick leathery patches.
Try applying cold compresses and creams or ointments to help relieve the itch. Keeping your skin moisturized will help restore the skin barrier. Be sure to use moisturizing ointments and creams rather than lotions.
Avoid using soap products that contain sodium laurel sulfate.
Avoid triggers that cause a reaction. Your allergist will help you determine what these triggers are.
Your allergist may also prescribe medications as an allergy treatment for your eczema symptoms:
•    Topical corticosteroid cream medications and topical calcineurin inhibitors are most effective in treating the rash.
•    Antihistamines are often recommended to help relieve the itchiness. Oral corticosteroids are sometimes prescribed in severe cases.
•    Anitbiotics may be prescribed if a skin bacterial infection is suspected as a trigger for your eczema flare-up.
These skin allergy treatment and management strategies can relieve social challenges as well. People with eczema, especially children, are sometimes ignored or singled out by others who believe the rash is contagious.
Urticaria (Hives)
If the cause of your hives can be identified, you can manage the condition by avoiding that trigger.
Treatment of hives is often successful with oral antihistamines that control the itch and recurrence of the rash.
Severe flare-ups may require taking corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.


RF Radio Frequency
Body Contouring
Face Lifting
Cellulite Removal
Skin Rejuvenation

Specialized level of radio frequency transformed in our body into a very safe and salutary thermal bio heat (up to 42C - 45C) for total obesity, skin care, scalp care and muscle pain.
Stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation and fibroblasts and relieves pain of muscles.

  • Increase blood circulation
  • Effective to dissolve the fatty cells (lipolysis)
  • Lymphatic drainage of toxic materials
  • Relieves muscle pain
  • Activates metabolism
  • Regenerates skin
  • Strengthens the roots of hair
VARIOUS APPLICATION RANGE AND EFFECTSObesity Treatment - abdomen, leg, thigh, back, bust care, lipolysis, lymphatic
drainage, edema

Face Treatment 
- wrinkle, acne, pigment, sensitive skin, facial line, slimming,

Eye Treatment
 - eye wrinkle, dark circle, blood shot, eyestrain, eye bag

Muscle Treatment -
 pain relief, muscle relaxation, frozen shoulder

Scalp Care
 - prevention seborrhea, stimulation of hair growth

Radio Frequency is being used to provide tightening, cellulite reduction and body contouring with minimal discomfort or downtime.

Radio frequency has a dual effect. It creates a superficial heating of the skins surface for instant tightening and deeper heating of the subcutaneous tissue that aids in the break down of fatty deposits and cellulite whilst firming the skin.

The system also offers a unique cooling device. When each Radio frequency current is applied the hand-piece is moved across the treated area in circular massaging motions. As the system heats the skin to around 40 degrees, the cooling device enables this treatment to be comfortable and relaxing, without the need for anaesthetic cream or down time.

6-8 treatments are recommended and the treatment can be used to enhance the effects of other non-surgical fat reducing treatments such as Smart Lipo.


Dermaheal Stem C'rum SR (Skin Rejuvenating)BENEFITS:

Reduces and prevents fine lines and wrinkles with newly generated skin cells.
Strengthens skin elasticity by inducing the synthesis of collagen, elastin and othe ECM.
Hydrates dry skin and helps it maintain its optimum moisture balance.


Deficiency of L carnitine

Carnitine is comprised of two amino acids, lysine and methionine. Its role is to transport long-chain fatty acids across the cell's inner mitochrondial membrane. Mitochrondia use fatty acids and glucose to produce energy. Secondary carnitine deficiency is a rare metabolic disorder usually diagnosed at birth. However, primary carnitine deficiency, which is due to decreased synthesis of carnitine in the body or altered transport of carnitine across the cellular membrane, can occur in people of all ages. Carnitine levels decrease with age.

L-Carnitine and Acetyl L-Carnitine as anti-aging supplements?

Carnitine and acetyl l carnitine as anti-aging supplements?

In addition to producing energy, these two nutrients remove toxic accumulations of fatty acids from mitochondria, keeping these organelles healthy and functioning at their best. Energy production in mitochondria is not a perfect process and toxic metabolites do accumulate. Accumulation of these toxic metabolites and the resulting oxidative damage is likely to contribute to aging of cells. A waste substance called lipofuscin accumulates in cells as we age and perhaps adequate acetyl-l carnitine intake can help minimize this accumulation. A study in rats providing acetyl-l carnitine from youth showed this nutrient to decrease lipofuscin levels in their brain as they got old. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that supplementation with carnitine or acetyl-l-carnitine can slow the aging process.

L-Carnitine Help for Thalassemia

L carnitine help for thalassemia

Effect of L-carnitine on the physical fitness of thalassemic patients.
Ann Hematol. 2007 January. El-Beshlawy A, El Accaoui R, Abd El-Sattar M, Gamal El-Deen MH, Youssry I, Shaheen N, Hamdy M, El-Ghamrawy M, Taher A. Department of Pediatrics, New Children Hospital, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

Poor physical fitness is a common problem among patients with thalassemia. The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of the administration of oral L-carnitine on exercise tolerance and physical fitness in patients with thalassemia major. Thirty patients followed up at the New Cairo University Children Hospital were included in this study. Clinical, laboratory, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing were performed before and after 6 months of oral L-carnitine therapy (50 mg per kg per day). The oxygen consumption, cardiac output, and oxygen pulse at maximal exercise significantly increased after L-carnitine therapy. However, there was no significant change in minute ventilation and ventilatory equivalent of carbon dioxide. There was also significant increase in the blood transfusion intervals after L-carnitine administration. However, there was no significant change in hemoglobin concentration. L-Carnitine seems to be a safe and effective adjunctive therapeutic approach in thalassemic patients. It improves their cardiac performance and physical fitness. The younger the patients are, the higher is the degree of improvement in their exercise parameters.

Comments: For long term use we suggest using a much lower dosage of 5 to 10 mg per kilogram body weight.


L carnitine for liver health

L-carnitine inhibits hepatocarcinogenesis via protection of mitochondria.
Int J Cancer. 2004 Oct 21

Hepatocellular carcinoma is usually preceded by chronic inflammation. Recently, we reported that mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role in hepatocarcinogenesis via the production of free radicals. Furthermore, we proved that L-carnitine effectively protects mitochondrial function in vivo. Therefore, we investigated whether long-term administration of L carnitine could prevent hepatitis and subsequent hepatocellular carcinoma in Long-Evans Cinnamon rats that are often analyzed as a model of hepatocarcinogenesis. The results indicated that oxidative stress elicited from abnormally accumulated copper increased the amount of free fatty acids, thereby inducing mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting in cell death and enhanced secondary generation of reactive oxygen species, which were significantly inhibited by carnitine treatment. Mitochondrial injury plays an essential role in the development of hepatocarcinogenesis and the clinical use of carnitine may have therapeutic potential in individuals with chronic hepatitis.


Combined treatment with L-carnitine, a popular dietary supplement, and acetyl-carnitine, a related chemical, appears to improve sperm motility in men with fertility problems, according to a new study. In the study, 60 infertile men between the ages of 20 and 40 years were randomly selected to take a combination of L-carnitine and L-acetyl-carnitine or an inactive "placebo" for 6 months. In the medical journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers at the University of Rome led by Dr. Andrea Lenzi report that 2 months after the completion of therapy, men who took L-carnitine and acetyl carnitine had increases in sperm concentration, forward movement, and total movement. The most significant improvements in sperm motility, both forward and total, were observed in men who had the lowest levels of moving sperm when the study began. The researchers note that four spontaneous pregnancies were achieved during the study by men who had taken the combination therapy.

Placebo-controlled double-blind randomized trial on the use of L-carnitine, L-acetyl carnitine, or combined L-carnitine and L-acetyl carnitine in men with idiopathic asthenozoospermia.

Fertility & Sterility 2005 Sep;84(3):662-71. Andrology unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy.

We evaluated the effectiveness of L-carnitine or acetyl carnitine or combined carnitine and acetyl carnitine treatment in improving semen kinetic parameters. Sixty infertile men, ages 20 to 40 years, with the following baseline sperm selection criteria: concentration > 20 x 10(6)/mL, sperm forward motility <> 30%. Patients underwent a double-blind therapy of carnitine 3 grams a day, acetyl carntine 3 grams a day, a combination of carnitine 2 g/d and acetyl carnitine 1 g/d, or placebo for a period of six months. Sperm cell motility increased in patients to whom acetyl carnitine was administered both alone or in combination with carnitine; combined carnitine + acetyl l carnitine therapy led to a significant improvement of straight progressive velocity. The administration of carnitine and acetyl carnitine is effective in increasing sperm kinetic features in patients affected by idiopathic asthenozoospemia and improves the total antioxidant status of the seminal fluid.


L carnitine may be an effective supplement for weight loss by itself, but when combined with other nutrients it is even more effective.

The effect of l-carnitine on fat oxidation, protein turnover, and body composition in slightly overweight subjects.

Metabolism. 2004 Aug;53(8):1002-6.

We used a combined tracer technique with the stable isotopes (13)C and (15)N to gain further insight into the metabolic changes that accompany supplementation of l-carnitine. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether l-carnitine supplementation can influence fat oxidation, protein turnover, body composition, and weight development in slightly overweight subjects. Twelve volunteers received an individual regular diet either without or with l-carnitine supplementation of 3 grams a day for 10 days. Body fat mass, total body water, and lean body mass were calculated by using bioelectric impedance analysis. L-carnitine supplementation led to a significant increase in protein synthesis indicating that the increased dietary fat oxidation in slightly overweight subjects was not accompanied by protein catabolism.
Caffeine, carnitine and choline supplementation of rats decreases body fat and serum leptin concentration as does exercise.

J Nutr 2000 Feb;130(2):152-7

The effect of a combination of caffeine, carnitine and choline with or without exercise on changes in body weight, fat pad mass, serum leptin concentration and metabolic indices was determined in 20 male, 7-wk-old Sprague-Dawley rats. They were given free access to a nonpurified diet without or with  caffeine, carnitine and choline at concentrations of 0.1, 5 and 11.5 g/kg diet, respectively. In a 2x2 factorial design, one-half of each dietary group was exercised, and the other half was sedentary. Food intake of the groups was not different, but the body weight was significantly reduced by exercise in both dietary groups. Fat pad weights and total lipids of epididymal, inguinal and perirenal regions were significantly reduced by the supplements as well as by exercise. Regardless of exercise, supplements significantly lowered triglycerides in serum but increased levels in skeletal muscle. Serum leptin concentrations were equally lowered by supplements and exercise. Serum leptin was correlated with body weight, fat pad weight and serum glucose. We conclude that the indices of body fat loss due to dietary supplements with carnitine were similar to those due to mild exercise, and there were no interactive effects of the two variables.


L carnitine supplements may benefit certain patients with fatigue if there are no obvious causes for the fatigue, such iron deficiency anemia, a serious medical condition, etc.

Even a hundred year old may benefit from carnitine supplements. Italian researchers at the University of Catania gave sixty-six centenarians 2 grams l carnitine daily for six months. At the end of the study period, the l carnitine treated centenarians showed significant improvements in total fat mass and total muscle mass. They were also less likely to have physical and mental fatigue. LDL-cholesterol levels fell among the individuals taking the supplement. L-carnitine takers gained 3.8 kilograms (8.4 pounds) of muscle mass, on average, and lost 1.8 kg (4 pounds) of fat mass. People given L-carnitine were also able to walk 4 meters further during a 6-minute walking test after treatment than those given placebo.
Comments: This study shows how much we still can learn about the benefits of supplements in the aged. My preference would be to use a lower amount of carnitine, such as 250 mg or 500 mg. Sometimes when high dosages of energy enhancing pills are taken for prolonged periods, they can accumulate and interfere with sleep.

L-Carnitine treatment reduces severity of physical and mental fatigue and increases cognitive functions in centenarians: a randomized and controlled clinical trial

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 86, No. 6, 1738-1744, December 2007. Mariano Malaguarnera, Lisa Cammalleri, Maria Pia Gargante, Marco Vacante, Valentina Colonna and Massimo Motta. From the Department of Senescence, Urological, and Neurological Sciences, University of Catania, Catania, Italy

Sixty-six centenarians with onset of fatigue after even slight physical activity were recruited to the study. The 2 groups received either 2 grams l carnitine once daily or placebo. Efficacy measures included changes in total fat mass, total muscle mass, serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol. The l carnitine treated centenarians, compared with the placebo group, showed significant improvements in total fat mass, total muscle mass, and plasma concentrations of total carnitine. Significant differences were also found in physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Our study indicates that oral administration of l carnitine produces a reduction of total fat mass, increases total muscular mass, and facilitates an increased capacity for physical and cognitive activity by reducing fatigue and improving cognitive functions.

L carnitine administration in elderly subjects with rapid muscle fatigue: effect on body composition, lipid profile and fatigue.

Drugs Aging. 2003;20(10):761-7.
L carnitine is an important contributor to cellular energy metabolism. This study aims to evaluate the effects of carnitine supplementation on body composition, lipid profile and fatigue in elderly subjects with rapid muscle fatigue. Eighty-four elderly subjects with onset of fatigue following slight physical activity were recruited to the study. One group received carnitine 2g twice daily and the other placebo. At the end of the study, compared with placebo, the carnitine-treated patients showed significant improvements in the following parameters: total fat mass, total muscle mass, total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides, apoA1, and apoB. There was improvement in physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Administration of carnitine to healthy elderly subjects resulted in a reduction of total fat mass, an increase of total muscle mass, and appeared to exert a favourable effect on fatigue and serum lipids.

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  • SKIN ALLERGY OVERVIEW Skin irritations are caused by a variety of factors. These include heat, immune system disorders, medications and infections. When a...
  • Skin Allergy Overview Skin irritations are caused by a variety of factors. These include heat, immune system disorders, medications and infections. When a...